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What Can I Do About Spider Veins?

Up to 60 percent of people develop spider veins at some point. While the small red, blue, or purple blood vessels that twist and turn below your skin’s surface aren’t signs of an illness, they can bring about feelings of self-consciousness and physical discomfort. Thankfully, you don’t have to live with them.

Our team, led by Michele Meinhart, FNP, at Starkey Medical Esthetics is pleased to offer effective, minimally invasive treatment for spider veins. Call our office or use the online booking feature on our website to schedule an appointment. Read on to learn more about spider veins and ways to minimize them.

Spider vein basics

Most anyone can develop spider veins, but certain factors increase your risk, including:

Unlike varicose veins, which are larger and more likely cause pain, spider veins are usually painless. That said, they may cause some amount of physical discomfort, and you may not like the way they look. 

Spider vein treatment

Treatments for spider veins may include lifestyle changes, such as wearing support stockings, increasing physical activity, or losing excess weight. Sclerotherapy is another option, which has been around for nearly a century and involves injections of a concentrated salt solution into your veins. 

At Starkey Medical Esthetics, we provide Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL, to effectively treat spider veins. Unlike other laser treatments or surgery, this gentle treatment uses a broad variety of light wavelengths to destroy unwanted cells, getting rid of unwanted spider veins and other skin issues, such as acne scars, sun damage, and age spots.

Benefits of IPL for spider veins

The various wavelengths used for IPL treatment allows for highly focused and precise treatment. Your provider can effectively target even tiny spider veins in large areas, including your face or legs, where spider veins commonly appear. In addition, IPL does away with the veins without causing damage to surrounding tissue

treatment is safe, painless, and only minimally invasive, requiring only 20-30 minutes per treatment in an in-office setting, without the need for incisions or downtime. After 3-6 treatments on a monthly basis, our patients tend to reach their desired results.

Learn more about spider veins and IPL treatment by reaching out to Starkey Medical Esthetics by phone or by contacting us through our website. 

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