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Win the Battle of the Bulge With WarmSculpting by SculpSure

Dieting and exercising can work wonders for helping you shed those extra pounds. Unfortunately, even after months of dedicated weight-loss efforts, it isn’t uncommon to be left with flab and fat around your belly, thighs, waist, and back. That’s because for many people, those “problem areas” just don’t respond as well to dieting and exercise, leaving you with pockets of stubborn fat that prevent you from getting the slim, sleek contours you want.

At Starkey Medical Esthetics, Michele Meinhart, FNP, helps patients in Salem, Virginia, get rid of stubborn fat with the WarmSculpting treatment from SculpSure®. WarmSculpting treatments use targeted heat energy to help melt away fat once and for all — without invasive liposuction surgery. Here’s how SculpSure can help you get the slim contours you’re seeking.

The science of SculpSure

Diet and exercise can work for general weight gain. However, these techniques are not ideal for targeting hard-to-slim areas in the buttocks, belly, hips, and flanks, for instance. In fact, depending on your genetics and other factors, you might be predisposed to fatty deposits in these areas, and that means that pretty much no matter how much you diet and work out, you’ll still be left with stubborn deposits of resistant fat. 

WarmSculpting with SculpSure is designed to target those stubborn fat pockets noninvasively with laser energy. SculpSure uses a special technique called laser lipolysis, which literally means melting away fat using laser energy. 

The SculpSure device emits a focused “stream” of laser energy that harmlessly penetrates your skin to reach the deeper layers of tissue where fat is found. Fat tissue selectively absorbs the laser energy wavelengths emitted by the SculpSure device. That means it’s especially effective at destroying fat cells without harming the surrounding tissue. 

SculpSure treatment: What to expect

Nearly 400,000 noninvasive fat reduction treatments are performed each year in the United States, making it a popular choice for both women and men. During your treatment, the laser energy heats the walls of the fat cells, breaking them down so those cells are destroyed for good. 

You’ll probably feel some warmth during your session, but the device is designed to keep your skin comfortable, so you can relax and focus on your beautiful results. Most areas can be treated in about a half hour, and you can have multiple areas treated during one visit.

Over the next few weeks after your treatment session, your body naturally disposes of the fatty debris, leaving slimmer contours behind. Most people start to see their initial results about six weeks after treatment, with improvements continuing for about two more months — the amount of time it takes for your body to get rid of the fat cell debris.

Don’t let your bulges get you down

SculpSure gets rid of fat cells for good, without surgery, anesthesia, incisions, bleeding, or downtime. And if you schedule treatment now, you can expect to see those slimmer contours just in time for warm weather. To learn more about WarmSculpting with SculpSure, call the office, or use our online form to request an appointment today.

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